En este momento estás viendo Proposed House Bill 10 (HB 10)

Proposed House Bill 10 (HB 10)

The North Carolina legislature is moving an anti-immigrant bill, HB 10, that would force collaboration between federal immigration officials and local sheriff departments to hold and detain undocumented people arrested under their jurisdiction.

HB 10 would compel sheriffs’ officers to detain individuals charged (not convicted) for any crime for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), if ICE makes a request. If passed, this bill would harm community safety, create fear far beyond the walls of a local jail, harm local and state economies, and leave counties liable for potential civil rights violations.

HB10 requires compliance with all ICE detainer requests, without exception. The jail or confinement facility must comply with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer request for any person charged with any criminal offense. This means holding a person for 48 hours after they would otherwise be released under state law, even if a court has permitted the person to be released until their trial. Detainers and the accompanying administrative warrant are NOT signed by a judge, and do not constitute criminal warrants. They are voluntary requests by low-level ICE agents that have not been reviewed by a neutral arbiter to verify if probable cause exists for the detention.

Widespread criticisms of HB 10 are well-founded. The most important of which is that HB 10 is BAD for NC’s Economy!! Ample evidence indicates that just like other local policing agreements and anti-immigrant enforcement efforts adopted in neighboring states and beyond., HB 10 will hurt North Carolina’s economy! 

Call to Action

NC legislators are attempting to pass HB10, a bill that would criminalize migrants in our community. Immigrant rights and justice orgs across NC are asking you to take action by emailing these senators to share your support for immigrant families and demand they vote NO on HB 10. Call and email senators to share your support for immigrant families in North Carolina NOW!