Through the uncertainty, all we know is that TOGETHER we will continue to grow and thrive!
In 2019, Carolina Migrant Network was created in the aftermath of the successful effort to end Mecklenburg County’s 287(g) agreement between local enforcement and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as a community response to the need for free legal presentation for people detained by ICE in the Charlotte area.
Juntos, we have increased our capacity to represent families in the Carolinas as the only legal nonprofit representing people in detention and/or in removal proceedings – all at no cost to clients or their families.
Juntos, we have expanded our breadth of offerings to include holistic wraparound services that extend far beyond traditional legal aid, including travel and lodging logistics and financial aid for clients and their families.
Juntos, we have increased our capacity to represent people beyond the Carolinas that are detained in Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
And we know that JUNTOS, we will continue to provide the necessary legal representation to people detained in immigration detention centers.
Juntos, let’s make a difference!